June 2024 - Shopping Deals  

Window Screens Shopping Guide

When it comes to window screens, there are a few things to consider before making a purchase. Whether you’re replacing an old screen or installing a new one, here is a beginner’s guide to help you make the right choice.

Measure Twice, Buy Once
The most important step when shopping for a window screen is to measure the window correctly. Measure both the width and the height of the window in inches, including any hardware like the window frame, and note down the measurements.

Choose the Right Type of Screen
Next, decide which type of screen is right for your window. Aluminum screens are the most common type, as they are lightweight and durable. Fiberglass screens are also popular, and are easier to install than aluminum screens. Finally, there are pet-resistant screens, which are designed to keep even the strongest pets from damaging the screen.

Choose the Right Size Screen
Once you’ve chosen the type of screen, it’s time to pick the correct size. Most screens come in standard sizes, so you should be able to find one that fits your window. If your window is an odd size, you can get a custom-made screen.

Check the Quality
Finally, check the quality of the screen. Make sure that the mesh is tightly woven and that the frame is strong and sturdy. The better the quality of the screen, the longer it will last.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to find the perfect window screen for your home. Good luck and happy shopping!

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