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Wedding Response Cards Shopping Guide

One of the most important elements in planning any wedding is deciding on the details of your wedding response cards. A wedding response card gives your guests an easy way to RSVP to your wedding and share any dietary restrictions they may have. Here is a beginner's guide to shopping for wedding response cards.

When choosing your wedding response cards, it’s important to consider the style and formality of your wedding. Your response cards should match the same aesthetic as the rest of your wedding stationery, including save-the-date cards, invitations, and thank you cards. Some popular styles for response cards include vintage, minimalist, classic, rustic, and modern.

Another important factor when shopping for wedding response cards is the size. Most response cards come in postcard sizes, typically 4x6 inches. However, there are other sizes available as well. It’s also important to check whether the response cards come with envelopes – some do, but not all.

Finally, it’s important to consider the cost of your wedding response cards. There are many affordable options for response cards, so you don’t have to break the bank to find ones that match the style and formality of your wedding. You can also find many online vendors who offer customization services and discounts for bulk orders.

With a little research, you’re sure to find the perfect wedding response cards to complete your wedding stationery. Good luck and congratulations!

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