Staplers Shopping Guide

Staplers provide an easy and efficient way to attach documents and other materials quickly and securely. For those new to using staplers, here is a beginner’s guide to buying the perfect stapler for your needs.

1. Start by considering the type of stapler you require. There are two main types of stapler: electric or manual. Electric staplers provide the quickest and most efficient way of stapling multiple documents together in one go. Manual staplers provide a cheaper, but slower way of attaching documents.

2. Think about the size of the stapler. If you intend to staple documents together regularly, it may be worth investing in a larger stapler that can manage heavier duty jobs. On the other hand, if you will only be stapling letters occasionally, then a basic desk stapler should suffice.

3. Consider the the capacity of the stapler. If you plan on using the stapler for large documents, then make sure you buy one with a larger capacity – some staplers can used for up to 50 sheets at a time. Alternatively, a basic stapler will usually allow you to staple up to 20 sheets in one go.

4. Check that the stapler is compatible with the particular staples you require. Some staplers may only be able to use particular sized staples. Make sure you find out which staples are suitable before you buy.

5. Finally, consider the cost of the stapler. Basic models are often the cheapest option, while larger staplers with higher capacities can be more expensive. Make sure you buy a stapler that fits within your budget.

By following these tips, you should be able to find the perfect stapler to suit your needs.

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